I am thankful that mental health is getting the just recognition that it deserves. It truly is not a luxury, but a God-given right that each of have access to. Growing up in the church, it was very common to believe that prayer was the only way to deal with anxiety or life’s problems. But that didn’t teach us how to use proper coping skills either. 

It is totally okay to have Jesus and therapy.

Now that I got that out of the way, we can see the connection between meditation and taking care of one’s mental health. They are almost interchangeable for me. Now, by no means am I telling you what to do, but if you have made it this far and need a mental break, then go ahead and listen to your mind, soul and body. 



For just one moment, as you are reading this inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Breathe in air and be grateful that you can do this task without any effort or thought. For one moment, amidst the busyness of life, stop and remember the gift of life bestowed upon you.

Taking actionable steps can help you to achieve greater control over your day. Consider applying one or more of these to your daily routine:

  • Practice gratitude daily. Write a list of items you are thankful for often.
  • Practice intentional breathing and meditation. Whether it is prayer or reading an inspiring or empowering book. 
  • Make physical health a priority. Keep on top of your physical health. Endorphins that are released during exercise can help you to see life differently and remain upbeat. 

Going forward keep in mind that love is surrounding you. Count your blessings and declare good things for your life. Keeping things in perspective can help change your life and help you remain in the moment instead of being anxious about the future. There is no situation that is permanent.  No matter what you are facing you can always inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Inhale love and goodness, and exhale any doubt you may be facing.

There is hope for tomorrow, but there is hope for right now. As long as you are breathing there is always a hope, a purpose, and a reason for your existence. Do not give up on yourself. And remember, your mental health matters.


You are worthy and loved.