I wish I knew this more commonly as a child growing up. Sunscreen is necessary for any and all skin tones! Summer or Winter…Spring or Fall… Sunscreen is for us all during any time of the year. Often we think that sunscreen is only used when it is a beach day or lying out at the park. However, sunscreen has beauty benefits that are usually overlooked. Sunscreen should be worn whenever you are outdoors and will be in the sun.

So, what are the benefits of wearing sunscreen? Let’s discuss seven benefits and reasons why we all should utilize sunscreen regularly.

5 health benefits of using sunscreen

      1. Sunscreen blocks UV Rays. 

      The primary benefit of using sunscreen is to protect our skin from harmful UV rays. With the ozone layer, unfortunately, continuing to be depleted, there is a need for our skin to remain protected. The sun can still provide you with Vitamin D, which we all need. Sunscreen will not block the Vitamin D from being absorbed into your skin. 

      • Prevent early signs of aging with sunscreen.

      Sunscreen prevents early signs of aging. Radiant and healthy skin is on the other side of using sunscreen when needed. Utilizing sunscreen can help minimize wrinkles and fine lines that can be caused by the harshness of the sun. 

      • Reduce skin cancer risks with the use of sunscreen.

      The risk of skin cancer is lowered when sunscreen is applied regularly. Wearing sunscreen on a regular basis can lower your chances of various types of skin cancer.

      • Prevent sunburn with sunblock usage.

      Sunscreen helps to prevent sunburn. Anyone can sunburn during the heat of the sun. Sunburn can cause bruises and be extremely painful. Sunscreen is an easy prevention tool. When skin is exposed to the sun for a long period of time, then sunburn can occur. Use sunscreen liberally to prevent sunburn. 

      • Maintain healthier skin with the use of sunscreen.

      Enhance your skin’s natural glow and health with the use of sunscreen. A few essential skin proteins, like collagen, keratin, and elastin are protected with the use of sunscreen. The skin proteins are necessary to keep your skin smooth and maintain the healthiness. Make sure your sunblock has titanium oxide, which helps to promote these proteins in your skin.

      No one is immune from the sun’s harmful rays. We can all sunburn at some level or experience premature aging from the sun. Sunscreen is more than just a great beauty hack, it is also skin wellness. Protect and maintain your skin’s health with sunscreen. Your skin will be happy you did!