There is a lot of news and buzz around employees leaving the workforce and actually being happier for it. What did they think was going to happen? Employees could only stand so many “good job, here is a pizza party on Friday” types of “appreciation” from their employer. 

I get it…dreading Sunday nights because you do not want to go to work on Monday is a real thing. Let’s be honest, it can feel like a rut because you hate what you do, but these bills are not going anywhere. So even with the news stirring about this Great Resignation for the Millenials and Gen Z group, it is still good to go about it in a smart manner.

I got you!

You deserve to make the big leap of working for yourself if that is what you desire. But hold up a sec…ONLY IF YOU ARE READY TO PUT IN THE WORK!!! Yes, I am yelling because it is that serious. 

Now that we have that out of the way…

To quit or not to quit? That is the question.

Too often we are sold on pursuing our passions with no real savings and no real plan in place. Whether you want to become a full-time entrepreneur or not, I feel like these tips can apply to just about anyone. During this great resignation, you might be ready to call your boss and tell them you quit for another job, but you still need to be smart about it.

Plan out your exit

Yes girl, plot your great resignation in secret. It may require extra work on your part where you focus on your business after working an 8 hour shift. Nonetheless, if you are really ready to do something different and pursue your goals of working for yourself, then you need to plan. Personally, I worked for almost 2 years part time as an independent contractor, while being in grad school and working full time. Did I mention I was a single momma? 

I don’t suggest overwhelming yourself like I did, but working hard and planning out what life might look like when I finally decided to work for myself full time made a world of difference. 

Which leads me to my next point…

You have to be disciplined

Whatever you truly want you will have to put the work in to achieve it. Certainly, it can be helpful to have a mentor to guide you or review someone else’s blueprint for encouragement. But at the end of the day, all of the work falls on you. I wish I could sugarcoat that more, but honestly you can’t have results without actually working. 

And while mentioning a mentor…

Find a good mentor

Yes, I know I said plan in secret. Let me clarify that. You do not need to share with everyone at work what it is that you are doing or how much you hate it at your job and that you will quit soon. I wish my younger self knew when to shut up about complaining about work while at work. So when it comes to leaving, you don’t need to tell every coworker or Slack message a group thread on the company computer. Keep you leaving to yourself.

Now that I have that disclaimer out of the way, you should find a mentor. Find someone doing what you want to do and see if you can shadow them. Or perhaps follow accounts that you love that sell goods you are considering selling and seem to be doing well. You might have to pay for a coach or mentor, but take some time and discernment on picking someone if you have to invest money. This is a major investment, so even the $10 you might put in for a coffee date with a possible mentor should be seen as just that…an investment in your future. 

So choose wisely!

Learn as you go

Lastly, become better as you go along. You will constantly be evolving and growing. Nothing is wrong with that. Be curious and be willing to learn. Research, research, research! 

If you do decide to go into business for yourself and be a part of this great resignation, especially as a Millennial or Gen Z, then know that you can definitely do it. Plan accordingly, be disciplined and find time for your craft after work, find a mentor or a class that can help you, and always be willing to learn. 

Make sure you set yourself up for success by increasing your business. Form an LLC within your state, apply for an EIN number, research business bank checking accounts and open the right one for you, and get out there and make your first sale or find your first client.

You’ve got this!